Does CBD Help With Anxiety?

Many people don’t know about CBD is that it affects everyone differently. A 1,000 mg full spectrum CBD tincture might be perfect for one individual; however, it might not be strong enough for a different person. Or, your body might have had a great reaction to one product but had no effect for someone else. This does not mean that the product does not work or is faulty. It just means that your body reacted differently than someone else. A perfect example is tea – one person can drink a large cup of tea and feel nothing. While a different person can drink the same cup of tea and get high amounts of energy. It’s not that the tea wasn’t good, it’s just everyone reacts differently to tea. The same applies to CBD – it affects everyone differently; therefore, finding the right product that works for you is important.

Some of the reasons why it affects everyone differently can include genetics, tolerance, and the product itself. Whatever the reason might be a solution is finding the right product that works for you. We have higher strength products or some that are more subtle. There isn’t a CBD that is specifically for anxiety, but you could choose a product that promotes relaxation. Although it’s not a guarantee to make your anxiety go away. Products that promote relaxation include Indica strains, and products with mellow – Terpene properties. This might not be the answer you were looking for but it’s the fact of the matter.

Benefits of CBD

The benefits of taking CBD include getting all the rich-properties from the Hemp plant without the high. This is because it’s non-psychoactive – it doesn’t get you high. Many cannabis users have transitioned to CBD because they want all the benefits from Cannabis without the high. Although Hemp is not Cannabis, it does contain many of the same properties. Cannabis has high THC and low CBD while Hemp has high CBD and low THC. Also, Hemp has a higher ratio of cannabinoids and terpenes which many people enjoy. So hemp is more therapeutic due to its unique cannabinoids and terpenes. However, more recently there has been a hybrid between the 2 that has become a lot more popular called – Delta 8 THC. Cannabis has a high Delta-9 THC, although it’s not legal on a Federal level – Hemp-derived Delta-8 THC is covered under the Farm Bill.

Many CBD users take it after a workout or to target specific areas of their body. This depends on the type of product that you take – for example, Full Spectrum CBD Lotion. The lotion is applied topically – on the skin – and can be used for daily skin moisturizing aside from other specific purposes. Other products can promote relaxation or energy due to the terpenes and other ingredients that are included.

Taking CBD Daily?

The last important thing to consider is taking CBD daily. If you’re taking CBD for a specific purpose and it doesn’t work the first time you might get discouraged. What many people don’t know is that CBD can take time to work. This is because your body is being introduced to CBD for the first time. When you hear all the wonderful testimonials and you’re not getting the results you wanted it can be discouraging. A couple of key takeaways to keep in mind is that CBD affects everyone differently. Also, ECS is different for everyone and can determine how CBD affects you. Lastly, the benefits from CBD can vary so be patient, take your time, and enjoy CBD accordingly.

Follow this link for more info – Vermont Organic Science

Vermont Organic Science offers USDA certified organic CBD products along with hemp extraction, toll extraction, and analysis services.