What Should I Know About CBD Vaping?

What Should I Know About CBD Vaping?

CBD, or cannabidiol, has been getting a lot of attention lately because it can provide therapeutic benefits without the psychoactive effects that THC delivers. CBD is also legal, as it’s derived from industrial hemp.

There are many ways to consume CBD, and vaping is a popular choice.

But it’s important to make sure that you purchase the right kind of CBD if you plan on vaping. As, you don’t want to buy regular CBD oil that you find in tincture form. This type of CBD is designed for ingestion only.

Instead, you’ll need to look for CBD “vape juice” or “vape oil.” CBD vape juice doesn’t actually contain any oil. It contains food grade ingredients that are suitable for vaping. It’s important to make sure that the product doesn’t contain any actual oil.

You may be better off just buying a CBD cartridge, which comes pre-filled with CBD vape juice. You can use this type of cartridge with just about any CBD pen.

It’s important to remember that vaping CBD won’t get you high. With that said, you should still mind your dosage. Most cartridges contain 100 mg of CBD, which gives you about 1-2 mg with each puff. The amount will vary based on your device and the strength of the vape juice, so keep this in mind.

It’s best to start vaping just a small amount of CBD vape juice at first, and then working your way up to a higher dose. See what works best for you.

Many people are fine taking 10-30 mg per day, but some people take as much as 200-1,000 mg per day for serious pain and inflammation. You should talk to your doctor about dosages. Remember that CBD is legal, and you’re doing nothing wrong by taking it. Your doctor may have some insight when it comes to dosages, especially if you have no experience with CBD.

Another important thing to consider is lab testing. Reputable CBD brands conduct independent lab testing to confirm the concentration of CBD and to ensure that their product is free of THC as well as other adulterants. Generally, it’s best to stick only to brands that have independent testing to ensure that you’re getting what you pay for. It’s also important to verify that the product does not contain any THC.

Vaping isn’t the only way to enjoy CBD. There are edibles, tinctures, concentrates, capsules, powders and even topical products that contain this cannabinoid. If you find that vaping is not the right choice for you, you can try these other options to see if they bring you any relief.

Buy CBD vape pen with its sleek design, simple handling, flavor diversity and satisfying aroma. LUU stands out as the aromatherapy alternative. Our CBD products are lab tested and contain 0.0% THC.