5 Things to Know About the Utah Medical Cannabis Card

5 Things to Know About the Utah Medical Cannabis Card

The ticket to accessing cannabis as a medicine in Utah is the medical cannabis card. Actually, Utah is not alone in this regard. Most states that recognize cannabis’ medical benefits have some sort of card program in place. It is just that Utah’s is part of what is considered one of the strictest medical cannabis programs in the country.

If you are looking to begin using medical cannabis in Utah, there are five things you should know about the card program. According to Pure Utah in Payson, cards are not extremely difficult to obtain. But there is a system that patients must follow.

1. Medical Consultation Is Required

Right off the top, medical consultation is compulsory to get a cannabis card in Utah. Certified medical providers are known as QMPs. They are generally doctors who have undergone specialized training to be certified by the state.

To obtain a card, you must first consult with a QMP. It is their job to determine whether or not you suffer from a qualifying condition under the law. And if so, your QMP must also determine whether or not medical cannabis is appropriate to your circumstances. The QMP will complete their portion of the card application form.

2. You Must Apply Separately

Despite the medical consultation requirement, doctors do not issue medical cannabis cards. They only recommend them. You must ultimately apply separately from your consultation. This means going to the state’s website, where you will find the application form and complete instructions. In order to obtain your card, you must submit a completed application along with the associated application fee.

3. Cards Must Be Renewed Periodically

Medical cannabis cards in the state of Utah are not permanent. This means patients must renew their cards periodically. Under current law, a new medical consultation is must at renewal time. That may change in the future but, for now, follow-up consultations are necessary.

This is actually for the patient’s benefit. Like any other prescription medication, the safety and efficacy of medical cannabis may change over time. There is no way for doctors to determine whether or not cannabis is still appropriate without follow-up consultations.

4. It is Not the Same Kind of Prescription

Utah lawmakers have been very particular about the medical nature of their state’s cannabis program. They refer to medical cannabis ‘prescriptions’ and ‘pharmacies’ for that very reason. But it should understand that a medical cannabis card is not like a traditional antibiotic prescription. It is more of a recommendation.

So how do patients know what to buy and how to use it? They combine their QMP’s limited advice with the more detailed advice of a cannabis pharmacist. Cannabis pharmacists are employed by dispensaries. And it is their job to work with patients to determine which products are best for them. Pharmacists also advise on dosage and frequency.

5. Only Good in the State of Utah

A Utah medical cannabis card is valid only in the state of Utah. You cannot take it with you on vacation and use it to procure product in another state. At least that’s the way it is in most states. We are just beginning to see a small number of states adopt reciprocation laws. But even with reciprocation, it is not legal to bring medical cannabis into Utah from out-of-state. Likewise, at the time of this writing, Utah does not recognize medical cannabis cards from other states.

Only a medical cannabis card grants Utah patients legal authority to use marijuana-based medicines. For more information, visit the state’s medical cannabis website.